Native Ingredients

Davidson Plum
Davison Plum was a dietary staple of Aboriginal people for thousands of years, growing in the rainforests of Northern NSW (Bundjalung Country) and Queensland. Our people ate the fruit raw and used the tree's bark for harpoons for water hunting. Davidson Plum has the highest amount of anthocyanins, which are higher antioxidants than blueberries. The Davidson Plum is an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin E, lutein, zinc, folate, calcium and magnesium.
The Davidson Plum used in Cooee Cookies is grown on Bundjalung Country (NSW).

Kakadu Plum
Kakadu Plum is considered a gift from the Dreamtime, Australia’s native star superfood. Kakadu Plum has exceptional nutritional and antiseptic properties and has been an important food and medicine in Northern Australia for Aboriginal people for millennia. Kakadu plum has the highest recorded levels of Vitamin C of any fruit in the world, measuring up to 100 times the Vitamin C content found in an orange. For example, you only need 1g of freeze-dried Kakadu plum powder to match the Vitamin C content found in an entire orange due to its extreme potency. The Kakadu plum exhibits outstanding antioxidant capacity, 5.2 times that of the blueberry.
Kakadu Plum used in Cooee Cookies is grown on Nyal Nyal Country (NT).

Wattle Seed
Wattle Seed has been a mainstay of the diet of Indigenous Australians for over 40,000 years. Wattle Seed can survive harsh weather conditions and, historically, was a valuable source of protein and carbohydrates in drought. Aboriginal women would collect the pods and parch the seeds with fire before grinding them into flour to be mixed with water and made into cake. Wattle Seed must be considered the unsung hero of Australian native foods, as it is a very rich source of protein. It is a low glycemic food, which releases its sugars slowly and can be used by people with diabetes to help maintain blood sugar levels. Wattle Seed also contains high potassium, calcium, iron and zinc concentrations.
The Wattle Seed used in Cooee Cookies is grown on Yorta Yorta Country (Vic).

The Muntrie fruit was a vital part of the diet of the Ngarrindjeri people of the Coorong (southeast South Australia). They’re an old favourite in the historical diet and were often traded with other tribes. The Muntrie plant has been precious to the Aboriginal populations in South Australia and Victoria, as any left-over fruit collected would be dried or baked into cakes for the wintertime. Muntries are a powerhouse of nutritional benefits, valued for their natural waxes and high levels of antioxidants and an excellent wound healer. Muntries boast high levels of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and fibre; their antioxidant capacity is four times higher than blueberry.
The Muntires used in Cooee Cookies are grown on Kaurna Country (SA).

Strawberry Gum
The Aboriginal peoples who passed through the Northern Tablelands would often chew on the leaves of the Strawberry Gum for their sweet berry flavour. They would also moisten the leaves and lay them over a fire to release their fragrant oils to calm stomach problems. Strawberry Gum is native only to the NSW Tablelands region, Australia's highest highland region. Also known as Forrest Berry, Strawberry Gum contains the highest quantity of methyl cinnamate of any plant, giving it a robust fruit-berry flavour. Strawberry gum is an excellent source of antioxidants that provide comprehensive protection from oxidative stress and autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.
The Strawberry Gum used in Cooee Cookies is grown on Yuin Country (NSW).

Finger Lime
Long before fancy restaurants discovered the amazing zesty goodness of Finger Limes, they were an essential food source for Aboriginals for thousands of years. Our people have always understood the amazing healing properties of this fruit, which is full of folate, vitamin E, vitamin C, and potassium. The Finger Lime has also been used as a topical treatment for many generations to treat infected sores.
The Finger Lime used in Cooee Cookies is grown on Bundjalung Country (NSW).